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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Processing of Biowaste and Biologically Degradable

Waste by EWA Aerobic Fermentation Technology to Compost or Biofuel

Aerobic fermenter EWA can produce substrate, biomass, thermal energy, bio fuel and electric energy as main products. Are there more side/waste products? (ashes with the thermal energy, toxic gas? ..)

Aerobic fermenter EWA can be truly called the clean, wasteless technology. During the fermentation process no solid or liquid waste is leaving the fermenter only water steam and partly CO2 and this goes through the air condition and biofilter to prevent bad odor. Of course while burning the biofuel in the boiler there are ashes that we can use as a fertilizer. No toxic gas for we burn bio-fuel.

What biofuel will be produced with the EWA facility?

Aerobic fermentor EWA produces solid biofuel, sometimes called compost for energy use. Biofuel is solid, bulk material biologically stabilized, odorless, suitable for incinerating in biomass boilers, boilers for solid fuel (wood, wood chips, saw dust, coal etc.).

Is it a batch process or a continues process?

It is a batch process.

The fermenter can process 10-14 tons of BDW. Is 10 tons the minimum and 14 the max?

Approximately we can say so but it mainly depends on the waste's moisture and density.

If the fermenter takes 48 hours, the capacity BDW per day is half (5-7)?


The drying (during the next 48 hours) takes place outside the fermentation container?

For drying the fermentate in the next 48 hours we use the fermentation waste heat and the drying takes place inside the container (fermenter EWA). In the case of using production lines EWA HEAT and EWA ENERGY we can also use the waste heat from the biomass boiler and ORC turbines for drying. This additional drying is placed outside the fermenter in the separate drying room.

The substrate from the fermentor is suitable for agricultural purposes. For which purposes?

The substrate can be well used as compost, organic fertilizer or as mulch compost depending on kind of entering waste material.

Are there agricultural purposes as well for the biomass?

In the case we have enough of compost the rest of the waste can be processed into the substrate suitable for energy use.

What is the purpose for the thermal energy production? I would think about the purpose of heating buildings like a production facility?

Some of our customers in the Czech Republic process the organic waste only into the substrate used for energy use for thermal or electric energy in large power plants. The biofuel is burnt together with coal in vast fluid boilers. Our customers in Sweden want to process their horse manure into biofuel used for production of thermal energy for central heating systems.

Is the biofuel suitable for more purposes then the own EWA electrical energy production?

EWA biofuel can be burnt/incinerated either in a biomass or other boilers into thermal energy or followed up with ORC turbines producing electrical energy.

Are there studies on investment and return on investment?

Yes we have economic studies on investment, operation cost as well as its economic return.
There is a sheet with examples of processed waste. Every type of waste will have it's own residuals. (like from fermentation of animal droppings and sludge from(industrial) waste water. Will the system remove bad residuals? (like methan gas from feases). Actually there is no methane being produced while operating the aerobic fermentor EWA for it is the aerobic process. Please come and see our technology in the Czech Republic.

Will various types of BDW produce various types of substrate and biomass? With various energy levels?

Various types of BDW truly influence the final calorific value of the biofuel but more important is the moisture of the composition and that is what we can control before the waste enters the fermenter. So we say that the lower level of the biofuel's calorific value is 10 MJ/kg.

The system is presented as a solution for a cleaner future. Why is it a solution for a cleaner future? What problem does it solve?

The higher population is on the planet the higher pollution, production of organic waste we have. We need to solve the problem with the waste in order to be able to live cleaner, better live in the future. We come with the solution cleaning our environment and on the other hand using the energetic potential hidden within the organic waste to gain energy.



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702 00 Ostrava - Mor. Ostrava

Czech Republic





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