+420 605 902 903 info@solbien.com
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  • Biodegradable waste from parks and gardens
  • Horse manure and poultry bedding
  • Sludge from wastewater treatment plants
  • Waste from forestry, waste bark and cork
  • Waste from processing fruit, vegetable, cereals, edible oils, yeast, etc.
  • Biodegradable waste from kitchens and canteens
  • Biodegradable waste from paper, cardboard, wood and cellulose and paper production
  • Water hyacinth
  • and others ...


Organic waste piles up, smells bad, it is contaminated by thermotolerant coliform bacteria, enterococci, Salmonella, E. coli, viruses, and parasites. It is infectious, ecotoxic and may contain heavy metals, especially As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn and organic contaminants AOX, PCB, NEL, and PAU. It has to be sanitized and stabilized to make it usable with no negative impact on human health and the environment. When composting in a conventional way, it takes about one year to turn material into compost. It has to be aerated to prevent the material from decaying and producing ammonia gas.

A big part of processed materials constitute sludges from wastewater treatment plants. They are highly infectious, ecotoxic, they contain heavy metals and organic contaminants. That is why they have to be sanitized and stabilized to enable their further use without any negative impacts on the environment and human health.


The problematic biodegradable waste (BDW), usually expensive to dispose of, can be used and turned into an eco-friendly, beneficial and profitable revenue stream. Integrate the aerobic fermenters EWA or AFR to your operation and simply load and unload all the BDW by a built-in conveyor.

EWA and AFR are original fermenters designed for ecological processing of biodegradable waste, including the sludges from wastewater treatment plants and animal by-products. On the market today, EWA and AFR are the most advanced in-vessel fermenters with 100% guaranteed sanitization of the whole load.

The controlled process of fermentation produces heat inside the machine, so there is no need for external source heat. The heat destroys pathogenic germs and compost is no longer infectious. After the fermentation, there is no bad smell, no dung water, no vectors, no pathogens, no dangerous viruses, no bacteria, no eggs, and larvae, that could find their way to humans through the soil. As the material has no bad smell anymore, it is possible to stock it even in densely populated residential areas.

The fermentation process takes place automatically and it sanitizes every kind of biodegradable waste you load in.

EWA and AFR are the most effective technologies for BDW processing on the market today.

No longer will you have to pay for disposal of the biodegradable waste. You can safely return sanitized waste to the soil, use it for heating or sell it to producers of soil conditioners and fertilizers or directly to local gardening shops, they will be happy to save money on buying expensive commercial substrates or artificial fertilizers.













Dvořákova 1041/15

702 00 Ostrava - Mor. Ostrava

Czech Republic





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